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The decreasing world reservoir of fossil oil and gas, as well as the mines running out of ore, has open the debate on the possession of resources, sometimes forfeited by Governments to benefit some people, leaving others bereft, whether it is a matter of a single country or an association of several, occasionally united in Cartels. This persistent subject of the sharing of the world patrimony of Humanity that has caused many wars and smoldering conflicts is not delt with.

It is not only a matter of "subsurface resources", but also of tillable land and electricity and water supplies, and of cross-road market places, inevitable on land or sea, necessary to universal passages, which are also part of the bequeathed patrimony.

With the progress in Science and Technique, to which we owe the global industrialization and the soaring demography, with an increase on inequality over space and time getting worse due to the extension of life time, “Knowledge” is another element in our common inheritance which is irregularly distributed, at geographical random, though access to it is often available on "open source"
. With the Internet available to all, knowledge should be without borders. So, a handful of expert-technocrats can no longer monopolize the knowledge and object to its sharing, neither keep the work under their control or the know-how for their own profit, calling back to memory the salt-mines where slaves were teeming.

As the choice is aiming at efficiency that needs flexibility of deployment, rapidity of action, economy of scale, creativity is of the essence. But creativity needs experience. The bookish knowledge, which is looked upon as universal perquisite, cannot be transmitted or used without experience, in particular this of the seniors who are part of the world heritage and its most precious riches; but these are left in virtual "mouroirs", registered in the un-social security records by the Trade Unions, and crossed out of the workers roster. By so doing, the world is loosing its living memory and, by the way, its best manpower.

Some Great Powers have assumed that they could dictate their "morale" to others and to impose it to them by force with the support of International Authorities, always ready to agree on their decisions, at the same time they have taken for granted the right for them to prevent others to benefit of the world heritage. The sanctions that they enact are illegal most of the time. The underlying principles of the International Law are twisted. The result is that there are more and more conscientious objectors who join the group of unruly in the same way as some used to join the "Resistance" in the past. The notion of society, legal entity and moral person, without nationality, is beginning to make a breakthrough to dodge the political maelstrom whose judicial and fiscal yoke is no longer suitable.

Since Liberty and Equality have been part of the Bill of Right, the liberty to work and the equality at work have become imprescriptible, and the possibility for citizens to associate themselves within the country or to take foreign partners, has become a "right". Among the various forms of international partnerships, there are : the Association, the Cooperative-association, the Joint-venture, the Association of economic interest, the Pact, and every applicable form of national and international mutuality; and there must be an adaptable, flexible, mixed, ideal formula enabling partners to escape unilateral obstructive measures and unduly compelling laws.

This is the latter which is to be selected.